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What is the impact of kraft paper tape on packaging industry and printing industry?

Article provenance:未知 Popularity:Time:2020-03-22 22:39
What are the uses of kraft paper tape?
What is the impact of kraft paper tape on the packaging industry and printing industry?
1. For example, the glutinous rice paper used in candy packaging and the corn baking cup used in ice cream packaging are typical edible packaging. The mature synthetic edible packaging film is transparent, colorless, odorless, nontoxic, tough, highly oil resistant, edible and can be used as food packaging.
2. Green packaging is classified into Grade A and Grade AA. Class a green packaging refers to the appropriate packaging that wastes can be recycled, recycled or degraded, containing toxic substances within the specified limit. AA grade green packaging refers to the appropriate packaging that wastes can be recycled, recycled or degraded, and do not cause public hazards to human body and environment in the whole life cycle of products, including toxic substances within the specified limit. )
3. Using green materials for packaging design; designers can use some pure natural materials from nature to improve the packaging design, such as the bowl shaped container designed by coconut shell can be cleverly designed into food packaging.
4. Kraft paper tape is used for paper packaging; the raw material of paper is mainly natural plant fiber, which will not pollute the environment, and can also be recycled for papermaking. In addition, pulp molded products have the advantages of light weight, low price, shockproof, etc. in addition, they also have good air permeability, which is conducive to the preservation of fresh goods. They are widely used in the turnover packaging of eggs, fruits, glass products, etc., which are fragile, easy to break, and afraid of extrusion.
The above is what Keming shared about "what impact does kraft paper tape have on the packaging industry and printing industry?" Hope to help you! In addition, the company also operates transparent adhesive tape, stationery adhesive tape, tissue paper double-sided tape, waste discharge tape, polyester adhesive tape, case film, printed logo customized tape, shockproof sound insulation tape, etc. welcome to consult and order, we will be happy to help you!

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