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Eco Kraft tape manufacturers introduce recycled paper identification!

Article provenance:未知 Popularity:Time:2020-10-04 11:47

Environmental protection kraft paper tape manufacturers introduced that environmental protection paper is not equal to recycled paper, wood pulp and straw pulp as raw materials for consumption of paper is also known as environmental protection paper, environmental protection paper is the general name of the market!

Recycled paper is consumed with waste paper as raw material, and does not add any whitening agent, fluorescent agent and other chemical agents, so the color of recycled paper is yellowish in nature! The difference between environmental protection paper and recycled paper is the difference of raw materials.
Recycled paper does not add any whitening agent, fluorescent agent and other chemicals, so it shows the beauty of paper nature.

Light yellowing paper is more conducive to maintaining our eyes because it does not reflect light. Europe and Japan used to use recycled paper for office and learning as early as 10 years ago.
At present, the environmental protection paper claimed by many companies in the market does not belong to recycled paper.

As long as recycled paper is specified in EU international standards, environmental protection paper is only a general term.

The biggest difference between environmental protection paper and recycled paper is that the raw materials are different. Recycled paper uses waste paper as raw material, while environmental protection paper uses wood pulp as raw material.

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