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Abtout the type of kraft paper!

Article provenance:未知 Popularity:Time:2020-05-09 22:15
ECO friendly kraft paper tape manufacturers, kraft paper varieties are not too many, we can according to color, use of various aspects to be classified. Ordinary kraft paper is almost the same color as wood pulp, that is, the color of wood pulp, that is, nature and tan.
This kraft paper can be used for paper bags and packaging.
If it is classified according to the use, there are still many varieties of kraft paper, and they are listed as follows:
Kraft card paper, red kraft paper, white kraft paper, flat kraft paper, single light white kraft paper, flat white kraft paper, waterproof kraft paper, common kraft paper, moisture-proof kraft paper, packaging kraft paper, three in one kraft paper, stenciling kraft paper, rust proof kraft paper, mahjong paper, process kraft paper, antifouling kraft paper, insulating kraft paper, maintenance kraft paper, yellow kraft paper Paper, barrier kraft paper, imported kraft paper, pure wood kraft paper, kraft base paper, kraft core paper, kraft surface paper, kraft mounted paper, two-color kraft paper, two-color kraft paper, woven kraft paper, kraft mounted paperboard, composite kraft paper, rough kraft paper, kraft paper for paper bag, kraft sticker, Kraft wax paper, kraft web paper, striped kraft paper, single Gloss Red kraft paper, etc.

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