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self-adhesive synthetic rubber kraft paper tape

Article provenance:未知 Popularity:Time:2023-04-14 22:13
Self-adhesive kraft tape is a sealing and fixing material widely used in various industries. Its characteristics include easy use, strong adhesion, and durable kraft paper material, making it an indispensable sealing and fixing material in modern society. This article will introduce in detail the production process, performance characteristics, and application areas of self-adhesive kraft tape.
I. Production process of self-adhesive kraft tape
The production process of self-adhesive kraft tape mainly includes the following steps:
Selection and processing of kraft paper material
Kraft paper material is the main material for making self-adhesive kraft tape. This material is usually extracted from buffalo hide or cowhide and then processed into rolls for subsequent processing. The kraft paper used to make self-adhesive kraft tape requires a specific high moisture strength.
Preparation of synthetic rubber hot melt adhesive
The synthetic rubber hot melt adhesive is the key material for making self-adhesive kraft tape. This hot melt adhesive is usually prepared by a series of chemical reactions of raw materials such as petroleum, resin, and oxide. The preparation process requires multiple reactions, distillation, refining, and other steps to finally obtain a hot melt adhesive with good adhesion performance.
Gluing and drying
When making self-adhesive kraft tape, the hot melt adhesive needs to be applied to one side of the kraft paper and then fixed on the kraft paper through drying and other processes. A high-speed coating machine is usually used to evenly coat the hot melt adhesive on one side of the kraft paper, and then the hot melt adhesive is fixed on the kraft paper through high-temperature drying and other processes.
Cutting and packaging
After the hot melt adhesive is dried, the kraft paper needs to be cut into suitable sizes and packaged. Common packaging methods include roll and sheet packaging. Roll packaging is usually used for large-scale production, while sheet packaging is more suitable for small-scale production and sales.
II. Performance characteristics of self-adhesive kraft tape
Strong adhesion
Self-adhesive kraft tape has excellent adhesion performance and can firmly adhere to various different surfaces. Its adhesion depends mainly on the performance of the hot melt adhesive, which is influenced by factors such as material formulation, viscosity of the hot melt adhesive, and coating amount.
Durable kraft paper material
The main material of self-adhesive kraft tape is kraft paper, which has the characteristics of toughness and durability. Kraft paper has high tensile strength and wear resistance, which can effectively prevent tearing and abrasion. In addition, the natural fiber structure of kraft paper can also improve its waterproof and moisture-proof performance.
Easy to use
Self-adhesive kraft tape is easy to use and can effectively improve work efficiency. When using it, you only need to cut the tape to the appropriate size and then stick it in the desired location.
High temperature resistance
The hot melt adhesive of self-adhesive kraft tape usually has good high-temperature resistance and can be used in high-temperature environments...
Application areas of self-adhesive kraft paper tape
Self-adhesive kraft paper tape is a widely used packaging and fixing material in various industries. Its main application areas include:
Express and logistics industry
Self-adhesive kraft paper tape is widely used in the express and logistics industry and can be used for packaging cartons, envelopes, bags, and more. Its strong adhesion and durable kraft paper material can effectively prevent the damage and loosening of the package.
Packaging industry
Self-adhesive kraft paper tape also has a wide range of applications in the packaging industry. Its good waterproof and moisture-proof properties make it suitable for sealing and fixing various packaging boxes, bags, paper bags, and more.
Home decoration
Self-adhesive kraft paper tape can also be used in home decoration. It can be used for fixing and edging materials such as wallpaper and carpets, effectively improving construction efficiency and results.
Electronics industry
Self-adhesive kraft paper tape also has a wide range of applications in the electronics industry. It can be used for external packaging and internal fixing of electronic products, as well as binding and fixing of wires.
Automobile manufacturing industry
Self-adhesive kraft paper tape also has important applications in the automobile manufacturing industry. It can be used for fixing interior parts, binding wire harnesses, sealing and waterproofing the car body, and more.
IV. Selection and use of self-adhesive kraft paper tape considerations
Choose the right kraft paper
The kraft paper material of self-adhesive kraft paper tape directly affects its use. Therefore, when choosing, attention should be paid to selecting suitable kraft paper. Generally, high-strength and uniformly quality kraft paper should be selected.
Confirm adhesion strength
The adhesion strength of self-adhesive kraft paper tape directly affects its use. Therefore, when purchasing, attention should be paid to confirming the adhesion strength. Choose the appropriate adhesion strength according to actual needs to achieve the best fixing effect.
Correct use
When using self-adhesive kraft paper tape, attention should be paid to the correct use method. The surface to be fixed should be cleaned and dried before use to ensure its adhesion and fixing effect. At the same time, stretching and twisting the tape should be avoided during use to avoid affecting its use effect.
Storage conditions
The storage conditions of self-adhesive kraft paper tape will also affect its use. Generally, it should be stored in a cool and dry environment, and avoid exposure to sunlight or high-temperature environments for a long time.
Prohibit direct contact of fingers with the adhesive layer
The adhesive layer of self-adhesive kraft paper tape usually uses synthetic rubber hot melt adhesive, which has high viscosity and adhesion. Therefore, when using, attention should be paid to avoid direct contact of fingers with the adhesive layer to avoid affecting its adhesion and use effect.
V. Conclusion
As a commonly used sealing tape, self-adhesive kraft paper tape has good firmness, waterproofness, moisture resistance, and wear resistance, and is widely used in packaging industry, home decoration, electronics industry, automobile manufacturing industry and other fields. When selecting and using it, attention should be paid to selecting suitable kraft paper, confirming adhesion strength, and avoiding direct contact of fingers with the adhesive layer, to ensure its best fixing effect and service life.
Self-adhesive kraft paper tape has various specifications and brands available in the market, and consumers can choose according to their needs.

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