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Production process of beating ECO friendly kraft paper!

Article provenance:未知 Popularity:Time:2020-10-14 07:28
Eco friendly kraft paper tape manufacturers introduced that the pulp after cooking, washing and bleaching can not be directly used for papermaking. This is due to the fact that the pulp fiber that has not been pulped has less necessary swelling, splitting and cutting.
If we use it to make paper, the result is that the paper is soft, rough and poor in strength, which can not meet the general requirements of paper.
Therefore, beating is a very important link in papermaking, especially in the production of high-quality paper, beating is more important. Generally speaking, in addition to mechanical pulp, other kinds of oars have to go through different degrees of beating treatment.
The purpose of beating is to use mechanical action and fluid shearing action to give certain properties to the paper section so that the produced paper and paper core can have the expected quality.
In order to make the role of beating clear, we must start with the microstructure of plant fiber. As far as plant fiber is concerned, the single fiber we can see is small enough. However, when we observe it under ordinary light microscope and electron microscope, we can see that a single fiber is composed of several fine fibers, and a phase of fine fibers is composed of several micro fibers. The finer the fiber, the greater its flexibility, and the better the fiber interweaves when making paper on the web of the paper machine.
According to people's common sense of life, a glass rod can be broken when it is touched. If the proper diameter is not fine enough, it can be broken when it is touched. Only when the diameter is less than 0.75 μ m (1 μ M = 1 / 1000 mm), can it be as soft as cotton and not easily broken.
Beating can cut, moisten, disperse and separate fibers. It's easy for you to understand about cutting short fiber, so you don't need to explain it more. For example, jute fiber is generally 1.5-5.0mm long, and cotton lint fiber is more than 10-40mm long. When using this kind of long fiber pulp, the paper has poor uniformity and strength, so it is necessary to cut the fiber properly when beating.
We also know in our daily life that it's not easy to separate a bunch of fans. If we can't do it well, we will break the fans. Only put the dried silk into the water to soak for a period of time, wait until the dried fans have absorbed water and moistened, stir slightly, and each fan will be separated automatically.
The same is true of beating. In beating, if we want to divide the pulp fiber into single fiber and single fiber into fine fiber, or even into fine fiber, the pulp fiber must be fully moistened and expanded first. One Yin production practice realized that wet pulp is easier to beat than dry pulp, which is the truth.
The moistened fiber is easy to be dispersed into single fiber by beating equipment and to make fine fiber or microfiber. The former is called dredging, and the latter is called filigree.
What needs to be mentioned here is that the common so-called brooming refers to the phenomenon that the micro fibers at the end (one end or both ends) of the fiber are beaten out and fluff. However, when the micro fibers are opened on the main body of the fiber to fluff, it cannot be called "brooming", but it still belongs to the role of filament splitting. In production practice, it is often encountered that there is little or no "brooming" phenomenon of fibers, and the paper strength is also very good, the reason is here.

Moreover, the swelling and splitting of fibers are complementary and mutually promoting. The swelling of fibers is conducive to the splitting, and the splitting of fibers is also conducive to the further swelling of fibers.
In addition to the above-mentioned functions on fibers, beating also sometimes completes the functions of various components of paper (or paper wrench) - pulp, rubber, filler, color and various auxiliaries.

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